Routine inspection of infrastructure projects executed simultaneously by the Emohua local government council under the leadership of Sir. Dr. Chidi Lloyd DSSRS.
Projects inspected include;
1. Reconstruction and remodeling of Emohua Legislative Assembly Complex.
2. Construction of Ultramodern Emohua Local Government Council Administrative Building.
3. Construction of Emohua Local Government Council Pavilion (Mini Stadium).
4. Construction of Emohua Local Government Council ICT Centre.
5. Remodeling and Completion of the Emohua Local Government Council Secretariat Building (office complex ) abandoned by successive administrations.
6. Construction of Emohua Divisional Police Headquarters opposite the Emohua Campus of Rivers State University.
7. Construction of Doctor’s Residential Quarter and Offices for healthcare workers, an extension of the Emohua Primary Healthcare Centre.
8. Construction of Emohua Local Government Council Store (Warehouse).

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