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My attention has been drawn to a mischievous publication and commentaries circulated on different media platforms by one loquacious Onyeche Ofurum Igwe, wherein the miscreant, whose recent activities further expose his penchant for malicious misinformation and misrepresentation of facts about the resurgence of crime and criminality in Emohua LGA, following the release of one Nwoburuoke Wosu, a.k.a. Abioto, from prison custody,
Recall that the chairman of Emohua LGA, Dr. Chidi Lloyd, had in a radio chat accused Nwoburuoke Wosu of being behind a recent kidnapping incident in Emohua LGA and declared him wanted with an N2,000,000 bounty for any reliable information that could lead to his apprehension.
Although victims of that kidnapping incident had regained their freedom,
The council chairman also alleged that the wanted Abioto was among the prison inmates recently granted pardon by the State Judiciary headed by the Chief Judge, Hon. Justice Simeon Amadi, with the intention of providing them the opportunity to turn a new leaf and be reintegrated into society, but the council chairman frowned at the turn of events after the pardon.
Dr. Chidi Lloyd said it was regrettable that the wanted Nwoburuoke Wosu refused to take advantage of the opportunity granted him through the pardon to become a better person in society, but never linked the Chief Judge to the alleged criminal activities of the wanted Abioto.
The disagreement that followed the council chairman’s position is basically a government security issue and a critical one at that, and not in any way a personal or community dispute to have warranted interference or solidarity from any community-based group or individual.
It is therefore important to call attention to the activities of Mr. Onyeche Ofurum Igwe, an acclaimed native of Egbeda community in Emohua LGA who is hiding under the guise of Rumu-Elibrada Nu-Ogbo, to issue a press release on behalf of Elibrada community without authorization from recognized organs of the community, all in a bid to promote disunity among the elites and the communities in Emohua LGA.
We don’t want to believe that any recognized organ of Elibrada community contracted Mr. Onyeche Ofurum Igwe to issue any press statement on behalf of the respected community to ignite flames of trouble between the local government chairman and the chief judge.
Elibrada-Emohua is a very civilized and respected community of Ikwerre ethnicity. They do very well understand that the issue in question is between a local government and an arm of the state government (judiciary), which their own respected son presently heads.
Elibrada community is not unaware of the fact that the wanted Abioto is also a son of the community, thereby putting the community on the receiving end of the resurgence of crime and criminality in Emohua LGA.
The community is therefore expected to proactively activate its relevant organs towards finding a lasting solution to the insecurity that has bedeviled it over the years, leaving many homeless, lives cut short, and many destinies ruined.
This unfortunate situation at this point requires the sincere collaboration of relevant organs of the community, the local government authority, and the State Judiciary for the redemption of the community, with a view to sustaining the prevalent peace and security in Emohua LGA for the overall development of the area.
Nitwits like Onyeche Ofurum Igwe and others alike in Emohua LGA, whose penchant for casting aspersions on the office of the number one citizen of Emohua LGA as commissioned by their paymasters, should desist from dragging the name of our respected CJ into their dirty discussions.
Dr. Chidi Lloyd did not in any way denigrate the person of Justice Simeon Amadi or the exalted office of the chief judge of Rivers State.
Let crisis profiteers be advised to steer clear and focus on their only job, which is to criticize Dr. Chidi Lloyd for a living.
Bright Jossy-Elendu is the Chief Press Secretary to the chairman of Emohua Local Government Area.

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Emohua Local Government Area, Rivers State

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Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

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